Wednesday 9 June 2010

Whole school Fair trade assembly

Today we welcomed Raymond Kimaro to our school and presented an assembly to the whole school about fair trade with him.
He came from Tanzania to tell us about how fair trade can help improve daily life for coffee farmers there.

He told us about Tanzania and we asked him questions about what animals lived there and what life is like for children living there.
In the hall we sang our Kuapa Kokoo song.
At the end of assembly reporters from the papers asked questions and took photographs.

Thursday 20 May 2010

P3 Fairtrade Assembly video

Another chance to see the P3 Assembly all about PaPaPaa cocoa farmers in Ghana.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Thursday 25 March 2010

Fairtrade posters

We have made posters all about Fairtrade on this year's theme of swapping your normal brand for a fairtrade brand. We explain what faitrade is...